The Decline of Saul | 1 Samuel 13:5-15:35

We are currently in a teaching series called 1 Samuel: In Search of a King. The purpose of this series is to grow in our awe of God, receive warnings about the fallen condition of humanity, and learn to trust in the God who saves. This week we are going to study 1 Samuel 13:5-15:35 and witness the decline of Saul. We will see how Saul was rejected by God as king because of his failure to follow the LORD’s commands. He showed his foolishness with his unpermitted sacrifice, his rash vow, and his rebellion with the Amalekites. Join us as we learn about how God is righteous and longs for His people to follow Him with obedience.


A Secret Anointing | 1 Samuel 16:1-13


The Rise of Saul | 1 Samuel 9:1-13:4