The Unexpected

Last week, we started a new sermon series called Christmas Throughout the Bible. In this series, we are exploring major Biblical themes throughout the Bible that point to Jesus and His coming at Christmas.

One of the most surprising truths found in the Bible is that God often works in ways that are unexpected to human instincts. In the beginning of the Bible, when these finite creatures betrayed God, He surprisingly didn’t wipe them out, but instead promised to redeem them. He chose one obscure man, Abraham, to build a nation that would bring a rescuer. The more we learn about Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and their sons, the more we realize they are messy people. As we read the Bible, God keeps surprising us with His upside down ways, with the Christmas story being an ultimate picture.

Listen in as we see how God's long standing promise of sending a rescuer was fulfilled and how we can start expecting the unexpected when it comes to God and his continued plan to use broken people to spread the gospel.




The Promised One