The Lost Stuff | Luke 15

We are currently teaching the series called The Moral of the Story: The Parables of Jesus. The purpose of this series has been to learn from Jesus the master storyteller as He reveals life changing spiritual truths through relatable stories. This week we are studying the parables of The Lost Stuff from Luke 15. Jesus often drew near to “sinners” and “outcasts” and the religious leaders couldn’t understand why. In this parable, Jesus is responding to the attitude of the Pharisees regarding the lost and trying to teach them about God’s heart. In this chapter, we will see three different stories all making a similar point: God delights in saving the lost. Listen in as we learn about God’s heart and seek to apply these truths to our lives.


The Pharisee and Tax Collector | Luke 18:9-14


The Good Samaritan | Luke 10:25-37