Men And Women’s Roles In The Home | Ephesians 5

When talking about women’s roles in the church, another related topic that often comes up is how God has designed men and women to function within the home. Questions like: what is the responsibility of the husband in marriage? What does headship mean? What is the role of the wife? What is submission? Does the husband have to be the primary breadwinner? Does God intend women to work outside the home? These questions and others have created all sorts of confusion and controversy throughout the history of the Church, especially in the last 50 years in America. Listen in as we take a slight detour from our 1 Timothy series and explore what the Bible says on this important, related topic.


Church Leadership: Overseer | 1 Timothy 3:1-7, 5:17-18


Women’s Roles In The Church | 1 Timothy 2:8-15