As a body of believers through Jesus, we are a family. And as a family, being involved in each other’s lives is a component to unity. We are encouraged by the tool of a directory and pray that it helps you as you lean into encouraging and staying connected with others in our church. This online directory gives you the ability to add your own information and change it as things change for you. If you have not received an invitation to join the directory, please fill out the request form below. And be sure to watch the below demonstration for an in-depth understanding of how to participate in this community effort! You can then login to the directory anytime by clicking the button below or by downloading the app to your phone.
Adding Yourself To The Directory
Once you have been invited to the Directory, sharing your information is a quick and easy process!
Log into Church Center using the email address the invite was sent to.
Go to the Directory page.
Click the Share it now link.
Check the box next to each person in your household that you'd like to be listed in the Directory.
Check the box next to each point of information you'd like to share for each individual.
Add a household photo.
Click Join directory.
To edit the information shared for you or anyone in your household, click the Edit shared information link at the top of the directory.