While sin has complicated relationships, the gospel of Jesus is about redeeming broken community. God’s design for community has not been lost, but rather one of the outcomes of the work of Jesus is to bring health back to it. This is exactly what the Apostle Paul was getting at in Ephesians 2:11-22.
In this passage, Paul is talking to Gentile (anyone who was not an Israelite) Christians, explaining to them what their situation was like before Christ. He tells them that they were separated from Jesus, they did not have a relationship with God, they were not the chosen people of God, and they were without hope. But despite all that bad news, Paul tells them that God has changed their situation in light of the blood of Jesus. He gave His life as a substitute and died so that they could be reconciled to God and others.
This is profound. The intimate relationships that humans were made for in the beginning, but lost in Genesis 3, are being restored through the work of Jesus. Jesus did not just die for individual people; He died for a community of people in which the Bible calls the church. Part of the gospel plan is to redeem God’s design for belonging.
Therefore, because of Jesus, you and I are invited to experience gospel driven community. God makes this possible by indwelling believers with the Holy Spirit—providing a new heart with the capacity to love God and others. As humans, we have the same longing to be known as we always have. But now as Christians, we have a new way to relate to one another, and a new ability to do so.