Leader Nomination Feedback

One of our 9 values here is that Godly Leadership Matters. Throughout November, we are asking our congregation to be a part of the vetting process for leader candidates. We’re looking for your feedback on our four Officer Candidates for 2025: Jeremy Snavely & Scott Reigle for the office of Deacon, and Larry Ellis & Terry Crissell for the office of Trustee. 

In the button below you’ll find the feedback form. If you don’t have an answer for every question, answer the questions you do have thoughts on. Any feedback you provide will help us to vet these individuals and know if the Holy Spirit is moving us all in the same direction. A physical form can be picked up in the Cafe on the bulletin board and can be returned to one of our pastors.

Thank you for your help as we seek to train, develop, and vet qualified, Godly people to be servant leaders in this body.


Daniel’s Field Report