The King Of The Jews | John 18:28-19:16
The King Of The Jews | As we continue to look at the redemptive section of John’s gospel. We will see Jesus brought before Pilate and flogged by the Romans. We will observe the rage of the mob and the cowardly inaction of Pilate. We will watch Jesus, the innocent one, be condemned to death and Barabbas, a guilty murder, set free. All of this is meant to remind us of the chaotic nature of sin and the depth of God’s love to save sinners.
Denial And Betrayal | John 18:15-18, 25-27
Denial And Betrayal | While Jesus was being condemned by the religious leaders, as prophesied, Peter denied his association with Jesus.
Arrest And Trials | John 18:1-14
Arrest And Trials | Now that we've finished Jesus' upper room discourse, we begin moving into the climax of John's gospel. Jesus has prepared His disciples for His departure, and now things are about to get very real. In John 18, we see Jesus arrested, tried, and beaten. While the Jewish leaders think they are enacting justice for God, they are actually punishing the God they claim to serve. And while the Son of God is taking punishment from man's faulty justice system, He is moving towards the cross, where He will take the punishment we deserve and instead offer us incredible grace.