Value #9: Leaders Must Be Developed And Deployed | Matthew 6:9-13
God’s people must care deeply about building His kingdom over building their own. This at least looks like being committed to leadership development and sacrificing valuable resources for kingdom advancement. These concepts describe our ninth and final value well. We believe the Holy Spirit has given His people gifts in order to build up the body of Christ and advance His mission, but individuals often need help identifying, developing, and using their gifts in useful and productive ways. Thus intentional time and resources should be invested in helping God’s people grow into Godly mature leaders. These leaders should be encouraged, supported, given lots of opportunity to grow, and then when ready, selflessly sent out to pursue new gospel works. This process might initially feel like a loss for the local church, but will no doubt be a win for the kingdom of God as more gospel efforts are launched. Join us this week as we discuss value #9—leaders must be developed and deployed—exploring in detail what that means, and how we hope this value shapes the future of this church.