Conclusion of Romans | Romans 16
Christian Mickey West Windsor Baptist Church Christian Mickey West Windsor Baptist Church

Conclusion of Romans | Romans 16

This is last week in our series Romans: The Power of the Gospel. In this series we have been learning what the gospel is and how the gospel applies to everyday life. Chapters 1-11 have explained the gospel and chapters 12-16 apply the gospel to Christian living. As Paul concludes his letter to the Romans, we will see how he commands them to greet his ministry partners. Paul not only commanded Christian love, but modeled it by the way he loved and partnered with others for the sake of the gospel. Then we will see that he concludes his letter with a warning and an appeal to worship. He warns them to watch out for those who cause division and he points everything back to the glory of God. Listen in as we study Romans 16 and conclude this wonderful letter.

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Transformed Living: Christ Our Example | Romans 15:1-13
Nate Edwards West Windsor Baptist Church Nate Edwards West Windsor Baptist Church

Transformed Living: Christ Our Example | Romans 15:1-13

We only have two weeks left in our series Romans: The Power of the Gospel. In this series we have been learning what the gospel is and how the gospel applies to everyday life. Chapters 1-11 have explained the gospel and chapters 12-16 apply the gospel to Christian living. This week Paul will continue to call Christians to bear with one another and do all they can to live in harmony with one another, following the example of Jesus. Listen in as we study Romans 15:1-13 and apply these truths to our lives.

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Transformed Living: A Life of Charity | Romans 14:1-23
Nate Edwards West Windsor Baptist Church Nate Edwards West Windsor Baptist Church

Transformed Living: A Life of Charity | Romans 14:1-23

We only have three weeks left in our series Romans: The Power of the Gospel. In this series, we have been learning what the gospel is and how the gospel applies to everyday life. Chapters 1-11 have explained the gospel and chapters 12-16 apply the gospel to Christian living. This week Paul will explain a fifth way Christians are called to live a transformed life—by living a life of charity. As we will learn, Paul is calling Christians not to judge one another over areas of personal conviction. He explains that though Christ’s work has brought about freedom from former restrictions, Christians are called to limit their freedom for the sake of others in order to not cause them to stumble in sin. Listen in as we study Romans 14:1-23 and apply these truths to our lives.

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Transformed Living: Love Others | Romans 13:8-14
Nate Edwards West Windsor Baptist Church Nate Edwards West Windsor Baptist Church

Transformed Living: Love Others | Romans 13:8-14

In our series Romans: The Power of the Gospel, we have been learning what the gospel is and how the gospel applies to everyday life. Chapters 1-11 have explained the gospel and chapters 12-16 apply the gospel to Christian living. This week Paul will explain a fourth way Christians are called to live a transformed life—by loving others. Paul will clarify that love is the fulfillment of the law. Love practically looks like repaying debts, avoiding sexual sin, resisting divisive behaviors, and more. Listen in as we study Romans 13:8-14 and apply these truths to our lives.

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Transformed Living: Submission to Government | Romans 13:1-7
Nate Edwards West Windsor Baptist Church Nate Edwards West Windsor Baptist Church

Transformed Living: Submission to Government | Romans 13:1-7

The study of Romans has been a wonderful adventure understanding the gospel and how it applies to everyday life. In the second half of his letter, Paul has been specifically showing Christians how the gospel should transform their lives. This week Paul will provide a third way Christians are called to live a transformed life—by submitting to governing authorities. Paul shares that the reason for this is because all authorities have been put there by God, therefore submission to human authority is submission to God. Listen in as we study Romans 13:1-7 and apply these truths to our lives.

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Transformed Living: Christian Virtues | Romans 12:9-21
Nate Edwards West Windsor Baptist Church Nate Edwards West Windsor Baptist Church

Transformed Living: Christian Virtues | Romans 12:9-21

Over the past several months we have been in a series called Romans: the Power of the Gospel in which we have been studying the amazing letter from Paul to the Christians in Rome. His point has been that a Christian’s transformed living is based on the incredible mercies of God—what he explained in detail from chapters 1-11. Now he is getting into the specifics of what that transformation looks like. This week we are going to study Romans 12:9-21 where Paul is going to explain the specific virtues Christians should embrace once they have been changed. Listen in as we seek to understand and apply God’s Word to our lives.

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Transformed Living: A Living Sacrifice | Romans 12:1-8
Nate Edwards West Windsor Baptist Church Nate Edwards West Windsor Baptist Church

Transformed Living: A Living Sacrifice | Romans 12:1-8

We are in a series called Romans: the Power of the Gospel. So far we have seen how Paul has been explaining to the Christians in Rome the gospel of God. We have finally reached Chapter 12, which serves as a turning point for Paul. Chapters 1-11, in which he refers to the mercies of God, serve as the basis for his coming instructions. From this point forward, because of the gospel of God, Paul is calling Christians to live their lives in a transformed way. The first way Christians are called to do that is through using their God-given gifts. Listen in as we study Romans 12:1-8 and learn about being a living sacrifice.

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Election: Israel and the Gentiles | Romans 11:1-36
Nate Edwards West Windsor Baptist Church Nate Edwards West Windsor Baptist Church

Election: Israel and the Gentiles | Romans 11:1-36

Over the last several months we have been in a series on Romans: The Power of the Gospel.  The purpose of this series is to rightly understand the gospel and how the gospel empowers Christians to walk in newness of life. In Paul’s explanation of the gospel he has covered key doctrines such as sin, justification, sanctification, and now he is explaining election. In this week’s passage Paul clarifies that the Jews have not been rejected by God, but a remnant has been chosen by grace to receive salvation. In addition, Paul states that, as an act of grace, God has also chosen some Gentiles to be a part of His family. Listen in as we study Romans 11:1-36 and learn about Israel and the Gentiles.

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Election: Human Responsibility | Romans 10:1-21
Nate Edwards West Windsor Baptist Church Nate Edwards West Windsor Baptist Church

Election: Human Responsibility | Romans 10:1-21

We are still in our series on the book of Romans and what a wonderful study it has been. Paul has taken us on a deep dive of the gospel of God. This week Paul continues describing the doctrine of election by now discussing human responsibility. He explains that while God does elect some for salvation, humans have the responsibility to respond to God’s call in faith. Paul also clarifies that though God alone saves, Christians have been given the responsibility to go and preach the gospel so that lost people will hear it. Listen in as as we study Romans 10:1-21 and learn about human responsibility.

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Election: God’s Sovereign Choice | Romans 9:1-33
Nate Edwards West Windsor Baptist Church Nate Edwards West Windsor Baptist Church

Election: God’s Sovereign Choice | Romans 9:1-33

We are in a series on Romans: The Power of the Gospel in which we have been studying Paul’s letter to the Christians in Rome. In this letter he has been explaining the gospel of God starting with sin, justification, sanctification, and now he will begin to cover the doctrine of election. He will teach that based on God’s sovereign choice, He has chosen some—both Jews and Gentiles—to display His mercy upon. This doesn’t make Him unjust because, as the one in charge, he has the right to govern as he sees fit. Listen in as we study Romans 9:1-33 and learn about God’s sovereign choice.

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Sanctification: Glory and Assurance | Romans 8:18-39
Marco Scouvert West Windsor Baptist Church Marco Scouvert West Windsor Baptist Church

Sanctification: Glory and Assurance | Romans 8:18-39

We are about halfway through our series on Romans: The Power of the Gospel. We have been focusing intently on Paul’s main point of the letter—how rightly understanding what God has done for sinners empowers Christians to walk in newness of life. Walking in a new life is often called sanctification, a doctrine we have been learning about over the past several weeks, and we will continue discussing the hope of sanctification. We will learn from Paul’s explanation of how Christians have been adopted into God’s family by the Holy Spirit and await a glory beyond comparison. We will also learn about the assurance the Holy Spirit provides. Listen in as we study Romans 8:18-39 and learn about glory and assurance.

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Sanctification: Life in the Spirit | Romans 8:1-17
Larry Ellis West Windsor Baptist Church Larry Ellis West Windsor Baptist Church

Sanctification: Life in the Spirit | Romans 8:1-17

We are about halfway through our series on Romans: The Power of the Gospel. We have seen much of this theological masterpiece and its comprehensive explanation of the gospel of God. So far we have discussed the doctrines of depravity, justification, and sanctification. As we continue to study the doctrine of sanctification, we will turn our attention to learning about life in the Spirit. Though the Christian struggle is real, Paul explains there is hope. Christians no longer stand condemned due to their sin, but are filled with the Holy Spirit and empowered to make war against sin. Listen in as we study Romans 8:1-17 learning about life in the Spirit and applying these biblical truths to our lives.

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Sanctification: The Christian Struggle | Romans 7:13-25
Nate Edwards West Windsor Baptist Church Nate Edwards West Windsor Baptist Church

Sanctification: The Christian Struggle | Romans 7:13-25

We are currently in the middle of our series on the book of Romans. Romans began as a letter to the Christians in Rome teaching them the gospel, and how to live a godly life. Paul is currently teaching them the importance of growing as a Christ follower. Now Paul will clarify that the law of God is not the problem, but sin is the problem. Paul describes that there is a battle raging in the lives of Christians of remaining sin, tempting them to do the wrong they know not to do. Listen in as we study Romans 7:13-25 and discuss the Christian struggle and how to overcome it.

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Sanctification: Dead to the Law | Romans  7:1-12
Nate Edwards West Windsor Baptist Church Nate Edwards West Windsor Baptist Church

Sanctification: Dead to the Law | Romans  7:1-12

We are currently in a series called Romans: The Power of the Gospel. Paul is writing to the Christians in Rome helping them see how the gospel is meant to empower godly living. He is currently discussing the doctrine of progressive sanctification—the teaching that Christians are empowered by the Spirit to be slowly transformed into the image of Christ. Now Paul will explain that because Christians have died to sin, they are released from the law and now belong to Christ. He clarifies that this doesn’t make the law sinful, but rather the law makes Christians aware of sin. Listen in as we study Romans 7:1-12 and talk about what it means to be dead to the law and how that applies to our lives.

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Sanctification: Dead to Sin | Romans 6:1-23
Nate Edwards West Windsor Baptist Church Nate Edwards West Windsor Baptist Church

Sanctification: Dead to Sin | Romans 6:1-23

We are spending 25 weeks studying a series called Romans: The Power of the Gospel. The purpose of this series is to rightly understand the gospel and how the gospel empowers Christians to walk in newness of life. Paul spends the first 11 chapters of his letter explaining the gospel of God. So far we have observed the doctrine of sin—that apart from divine grace all are spiritually hopeless. Then we learned about how Christians can be declared right with God by grace through faith. After thoroughly explaining justification through faith in Christ, Paul will now begin teaching the doctrine of progressive sanctification. In other words, though Christians are positionally declared righteous, they are not yet practically righteous. Therefore Paul instructs Christians to consider themselves dead to sin and alive to Christ, thereby pursuing righteous living. Listen in as we study Romans 6:1-23 and talk about what it means for Christians to be dead to sin.

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Justification: Death and Life | Romans  5:12-21
Christian Mickey West Windsor Baptist Church Christian Mickey West Windsor Baptist Church

Justification: Death and Life | Romans  5:12-21

We are currently studying the book of Romans. Paul is in the middle of his explanation of the doctrine of justification—how sinners can be declared right with God through faith in Christ. He adds to this doctrine explaining how spiritual death came to all humans through the imputed sin of Adam, and how spiritual life can come through the grace of Jesus Christ to all those who receive the free gift by faith. Join us this week as we study Romans 5:12-21 and apply biblical truths to our lives.

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Justification: Peace with God | Romans 5:1-11
Christian Mickey West Windsor Baptist Church Christian Mickey West Windsor Baptist Church

Justification: Peace with God | Romans 5:1-11

We are currently in a 25 week series called Romans: The Power of the Gospel. Paul is teaching the church in Rome that the gospel rightly understood should produce a transformed life. He first tells them that they were hopelessly lost in their sin, but through Christ God has declared them not guilty. Paul then clarifies that one of the benefits of justification is peace with God. He explains that formerly our sin made us enemies of God, but now Jesus’ redemption has brought about reconciliation with God. Join us this week as we study Romans 5:1-11 and seek to apply biblical truths to our lives.

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Justification: Example of Abraham  | Romans 4:1-25
Nate Edwards West Windsor Baptist Church Nate Edwards West Windsor Baptist Church

Justification: Example of Abraham | Romans 4:1-25

We are currently in a 25 week series studying a masterpiece—the book of Romans. Paul is writing to the Christians in Rome providing for them a detailed explanation of the gospel of God as a foundation for empowering the Christian life. So far he has explained the doctrine of sin. Now he pivots from bad news to good news by presenting the doctrine of justification. He explains that though sinners stand condemned before a holy God, God has made a way for sinful humans—both Jews and Gentiles—to be declared not guilty. He is clear that this comes through faith in Jesus the messiah who is both just and the justifier. Listen in as we study Romans 3:21-31 and apply biblical truths to our lives.

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Justification: Righteousness Through Faith | Romans 3:21-31
Nate Edwards West Windsor Baptist Church Nate Edwards West Windsor Baptist Church

Justification: Righteousness Through Faith | Romans 3:21-31

We are currently in a 25 week series studying a masterpiece—the book of Romans. Paul is writing to the Christians in Rome providing for them a detailed explanation of the gospel of God as a foundation for empowering the Christian life. So far he has explained the doctrine of sin. Now he pivots from bad news to good news by presenting the doctrine of justification. He explains that though sinners stand condemned before a holy God, God has made a way for sinful humans—both Jews and Gentiles—to be declared not guilty. He is clear that this comes through faith in Jesus the messiah who is both just and the justifier. Listen in as we study Romans 3:21-31 and apply biblical truths to our lives.

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Depravity: Lost Without Grace | Romans 3:9-20
Nate Edwards West Windsor Baptist Church Nate Edwards West Windsor Baptist Church

Depravity: Lost Without Grace | Romans 3:9-20

Currently in our series on Romans: the Power of the Gospel, we have been learning from Paul’s thorough explanation of the gospel of God, specifically about the doctrine of depravity. In this week’s passage Paul will conclude his explanation of the human problem by summarizing that mankind is hopelessly lost without divine grace. He does this by quoting the Old Testament, explaining that the curse of sin has turned all people away from God. He is clear that the law can NOT save humans from sin, rather the purpose of the law was to make the presence of sin more obvious. Listen in as we study Romans 3:9-20 and apply these sobering truths to our lives.

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