The Crucifixion | John 19:17-42
Christian Mickey West Windsor Baptist Church Christian Mickey West Windsor Baptist Church

The Crucifixion | John 19:17-42

The Crucifixion | The gospel is the good news of Jesus Christ for sinful humans. However, while the gospel is good news, it came about through one of the darkest moments in history: the crucifixion of Jesus. Join us this week as we examine John’s account of the crucifixion in John 19, reflect on the theological meaning behind this important event, and evaluate our own lives in light of the cross.

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 Belief And Unbelief | John 7:1-52
Christian Mickey West Windsor Baptist Church Christian Mickey West Windsor Baptist Church

Belief And Unbelief | John 7:1-52

Belief And Unbelief | There are only two possible responses to the message of Christ. As a person hears more about Jesus, it is impossible to stay indifferent. He or she will either grow in appreciation for Him, or grow increasingly resistant. As we continue our journey through the Gospel of John, we are going to see this phenomenon take center stage. This week we will observe Jesus’ interactions with the crowd in Jerusalem during one of the major Jewish Feasts. He is going to make several bold claims about Himself which will ignite the belief in some, and further isolate others. Listen in as we learn from Jesus and seek to apply these truths to our lives.

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The Fifth Miracle | John 6:15-21
Christian Mickey West Windsor Baptist Church Christian Mickey West Windsor Baptist Church

The Fifth Miracle | John 6:15-21

The Fifth Miracle | Have you ever found yourself in the middle of a situation that you cannot control? If you’re like me, this is hard for you, because none of us like feeling like we’re not in control. Listen in as we see how Jesus’ disciples find themselves in the middle of a situation that they cannot control: being stuck in a boat, in the middle of the night, on the open sea, during a raging storm. In the midst of the disciples’ difficulty, confusion, and fear, Jesus steps in with His fifth miracle and demonstrates His control. Together, we’ll see how Jesus is also in control in our lives in the midst of our difficulty, confusion, and fear.

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The First Miracle | John 2:1-12
Christian Mickey West Windsor Baptist Church Christian Mickey West Windsor Baptist Church

The First Miracle | John 2:1-12

The First Miracle | John makes the purpose of his letter very clear: so that people would believe that Jesus is the Christ (John 20:31). In light of his purpose, the style of his writing makes a whole lot of sense. One of the distinguishing marks of the Gospel of John are the seven miracles or signs…read more

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