Grace And Truth | John 8:1-11
Nate Edwards West Windsor Baptist Church Nate Edwards West Windsor Baptist Church

Grace And Truth | John 8:1-11

Grace And Truth | Most families have secrets that if they were dragged out into the open, would create a lot of confusion and doubt for those finding them out for the first time. How the Bible came to be, what is considered Scripture, and what is not can have similar effects on Christians. As we continue our series on the Gospel of John, we come to John 8:1-11, which in most of your Bibles have a little footnote that reads—the earliest manuscripts do not include. It is possible you have read that before and have been confused, but because no one is talking about it, you moved on. Listen in as we bring the “secret” of textual criticism into the light. We will explain where the Bible comes from, why we can trust it, and how it impacts our understanding of John 8:1-11.

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 Belief And Unbelief | John 7:1-52
Christian Mickey West Windsor Baptist Church Christian Mickey West Windsor Baptist Church

Belief And Unbelief | John 7:1-52

Belief And Unbelief | There are only two possible responses to the message of Christ. As a person hears more about Jesus, it is impossible to stay indifferent. He or she will either grow in appreciation for Him, or grow increasingly resistant. As we continue our journey through the Gospel of John, we are going to see this phenomenon take center stage. This week we will observe Jesus’ interactions with the crowd in Jerusalem during one of the major Jewish Feasts. He is going to make several bold claims about Himself which will ignite the belief in some, and further isolate others. Listen in as we learn from Jesus and seek to apply these truths to our lives.

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I AM The Bread Of Life | John 6:22-71
Nate Edwards West Windsor Baptist Church Nate Edwards West Windsor Baptist Church

I AM The Bread Of Life | John 6:22-71

I AM The Bread Of Life | Have you ever turned to God for the wrong reasons? Following the feeding of the 5,000, we see a crowd of people longing for Jesus to meet their physical need of hunger, and dismissing who He is and what He has come to do. In this week’s passage, Jesus is going to confront their wrong motives and clarify two main things for them. First, the work that leads to eternal life is belief in His Son—the true bread from heaven. Second, this can only be embraced through drawing by the Father. Listen in as we discover how Jesus is the true Bread from heaven.

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The Fifth Miracle | John 6:15-21
Christian Mickey West Windsor Baptist Church Christian Mickey West Windsor Baptist Church

The Fifth Miracle | John 6:15-21

The Fifth Miracle | Have you ever found yourself in the middle of a situation that you cannot control? If you’re like me, this is hard for you, because none of us like feeling like we’re not in control. Listen in as we see how Jesus’ disciples find themselves in the middle of a situation that they cannot control: being stuck in a boat, in the middle of the night, on the open sea, during a raging storm. In the midst of the disciples’ difficulty, confusion, and fear, Jesus steps in with His fifth miracle and demonstrates His control. Together, we’ll see how Jesus is also in control in our lives in the midst of our difficulty, confusion, and fear.

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The Fourth Miracle | John 6:1-15
West Windsor Baptist Church West Windsor Baptist Church

The Fourth Miracle | John 6:1-15

The Fourth Miracle | Have you ever been faced with a seemingly impossible task? What did you do? Where did you go for help? Join us this week as we continue our series, That You May Believe—studying the Gospel of John. We will see the disciples faced with the seemingly impossible task of feeding 5,000 without ample supplies, preparation, or money. We will observe their struggle, and watch Jesus’ response. We will see Jesus use a seemingly impossible situation in order to challenge and grow the faith of His followers by displaying His ability to overcome the impossible.

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The Third Miracle | John 5:1-17
Nate Edwards West Windsor Baptist Church Nate Edwards West Windsor Baptist Church

The Third Miracle | John 5:1-17

The Third Miracle | Have you ever faced resistance or persecution for your faith? If so, you are not alone. As we begin chapter 5, Jesus started to face resistance from the Jewish religious leaders as He continued to fulfill His mission on earth. He specifically healed a lame man on the Sabbath causing the religious leaders to question His integrity for “breaking” the law. Listen in as we look closely at John 5:1-17 and better understand what Jesus came to do—not only bring physical healing, but to reveal humanity’s need for spiritual healing.

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The Second Miracle | John 4:46-54
Nate Edwards West Windsor Baptist Church Nate Edwards West Windsor Baptist Church

The Second Miracle | John 4:46-54

The Second Miracle | One of the tragic results from the fall of mankind is dealing with sickness and disease. Many of us have personal experience struggling with illness, or watching loved ones decline due to physical ailments. This reality hits close to home for all of us as we navigate a global pandemic and are reminded more acutely about the fragility of life…read more

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Regret To Rejoicing | John 4:1-45
Nate Edwards West Windsor Baptist Church Nate Edwards West Windsor Baptist Church

Regret To Rejoicing | John 4:1-45

Regret To Rejoicing | Have you ever really blown it? Do you have mistakes in your past that bring you shame and cause you to hide from others? Do you ever wonder how God feels about you in light of your sin? Listen in as we look at a fascinating encounter Jesus had with a woman at a well in John 4:1-45…read more

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Increase And Decrease | John 3:22-36
Nate Edwards West Windsor Baptist Church Nate Edwards West Windsor Baptist Church

Increase And Decrease | John 3:22-36

Increase And Decrease | As we have seen already, John the Baptist had a popular ministry in Israel. However, it was not John’s goal to become great, but to redirect the attention he was getting off of himself and on to the ONE who is truly great. As God’s people, we have been saved from the wrath of God, indwelt with the very Spirit of God, and gifted for ministry. Like John, these blessings are not meant primarily for our own sake, but for the glory of God…read more

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New Birth | John 3:1-21
Nate Edwards West Windsor Baptist Church Nate Edwards West Windsor Baptist Church

New Birth | John 3:1-21

New Birth | Jesus continues the early stages of His ministry by having a night time conversation with a curious Pharisee, Nicodomus. Though Nicodumus is an expert in the Hebrew Scriptures, Jesus teaches him that all people are born evil and must be born again in order to enter the kingdom of God. Jesus reveals this is why God sent Him into the world, to save all those who believe that Jesus is the Son of God. This passage is incredibly important for accurately diagnosing the true problem of sin and the true nature of salvation.

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Clearing The Temple | John 2:12-25
Nate Edwards West Windsor Baptist Church Nate Edwards West Windsor Baptist Church

Clearing The Temple | John 2:12-25

Clearing The Temple | In the previous sermon, we observed Jesus launching His earthly ministry through the miracle at Cana. Now that His ministry is off the ground, this week we will observe Jesus’ interactions at the Jewish temple. This is one of the examples of Jesus’ ministry that He goes against His stereotypical gentle posture by driving away those who have corrupted God’s house…read more

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The First Miracle | John 2:1-12
Christian Mickey West Windsor Baptist Church Christian Mickey West Windsor Baptist Church

The First Miracle | John 2:1-12

The First Miracle | John makes the purpose of his letter very clear: so that people would believe that Jesus is the Christ (John 20:31). In light of his purpose, the style of his writing makes a whole lot of sense. One of the distinguishing marks of the Gospel of John are the seven miracles or signs…read more

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Disciples And Calling | John 1:35-51
Nate Edwards West Windsor Baptist Church Nate Edwards West Windsor Baptist Church

Disciples And Calling | John 1:35-51

Disciples And Calling | The whole story of the Bible describes God’s mission to glorify His own name by reuniting creatures with their creator through the redemption of Jesus. As we turn our attention to John 1:35-51 the particular question of how he plans to accomplish His mission is raised…read more

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The Testimony Of John The Baptist | John 1:19-34
Nate Edwards West Windsor Baptist Church Nate Edwards West Windsor Baptist Church

The Testimony Of John The Baptist | John 1:19-34

The Testimony Of John The Baptist | In this sermon we will be studying John 1:19-34, discussing the testimony of John the Baptist. John’s role was to prepare the way for Jesus, the messiah, who takes away the sins of the world. The point of his life was not to glorify himself, but to direct glory to another. This week we will be faced with a similar question as John: who/what are you directing attention to? Is your life about you, or is the ultimate aim of your life about directing glory to another, mainly Jesus?

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The Word Became Flesh | John 1:1-18
Nate Edwards West Windsor Baptist Church Nate Edwards West Windsor Baptist Church

The Word Became Flesh | John 1:1-18

The Word Became Flesh | In in the next sermon we will learn who Jesus really is: the eternal God from the beginning, through whom all was created, and who came into the world making God known and giving spiritual birth to all who receive Him. While many people have an idea of who Jesus is, we hope by looking at John 1:1-18 that our misunderstandings will be confronted, truth about our God will be embraced, and transformation will occur.

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